We pride ourselves on the quality of service we provide but recognise that, on occasions, things may go wrong. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, we would like to know so we can put things right.
We are committed to resolving any complaints as quickly and as fairly as possible, by staff with the right experience, knowledge and authority.
This Complaint Handling Procedure explains what to do if you have a complaint about our service. It also outlines the timescales you should expect for resolving complaints and who to contact if you are not happy with our response.
Making a complaint
Complaints may be made in writing, by letter, email, telephone or in person.
Your complaint should be addressed, in the first instance to your Relationship Manager. However, if your complaint relates to your Relationship Manager, please contact our offices by calling us on 01902 625334 or by emailing cs@assetalliancegroup.co.uk
Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Customer Support Services,
Asset Alliance Leasing Limited, Edwin House
Boundary Industrial Estate, Stafford Road
WV10 7EL
Time limits for dealing with a complaint
Our aim is to address any concerns as soon as possible, the timescales we will adhere to are detailed below:
Within five days
If we are able to resolve your complaint by the end of the fourth business day, we will write to you and explain the action we have taken and our decision in a Resolution Letter.
If we are unable to resolve your complaint by the end of the fourth business day, we will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint giving the name and position of the individual handling your complaint and tell you how long it may take to resolve it.
Within eight weeks
If we are able to resolve your complaint within eight weeks, we will send you a Resolution Letter that clearly sets out our position with regard to your complaint.
After eight weeks
In some circumstances, where your complaint is particularly complex, matters may take longer than eight weeks to resolve. If this happens, we will advise you in writing of what investigation has taken place and why your complaint remains unresolved.
Additionally, you will be provided with a realistic timescale as to when we expect to be in a position to resolve your complaint.
Keeping you updated
Your complaint will be investigated using all available information, including correspondence, telephone call recordings and discussions with staff or third parties if relevant. We may write to you if further information is required.
Should we take longer to resolve your complaint than initially anticipated, we will contact you to update you on progress.
What if I am not satisfied with the outcome of your Investigation
If you are not satisfied with our resolution to your complaint, or more than eight weeks has passed since you raised your concerns with us, you can request that we review your complaint again.
If you make a request for a review, we will ask you to re-visit the information that you provided to us when making your complaint to see if there is any additional information that we may not have been made aware of when conducting our initial investigation. The nature of some complaints can be complex and involve 3rd parties so you should also be clear with us about what it is that you are not happy about.
Your complaint, any additional information you have provided and the reasons why you are dissatisfied with our findings will be referred to the appropriate Divisional Director for review. Once this review has been completed, we will write to you again with the outcome of our findings.
If after receiving our final response you are not satisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you can either:
- Request us to review your complaint again
- Refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
If you are not satisfied with our resolution to your complaint, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). When we write to you with our final response, we will let you know if you can refer your complaint to the FOS. If you can refer your complaint to the FOS, you need to make sure you contact them within six months from the date of our final response letter.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 023 4567
FOS website: financial-ombudsman.org.uk
The Information Commissioner’s Office
If your complaint is about the way in which we have handled your personal data, and you are not satisfied with our resolution to your complaint, you can request the Information Commissioner’s Office to review your case. The Information Commissioner’s Office gives guidance and support to organisations to help them get things right. They can also help individuals take steps to address their concerns. The contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are:
- Customer Contact, The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF
- Telephone: 0303 123 1113
- Website: www.ico.org.uk
- Email: casework@ico.org.uk
We will also advise you how you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office in our Resolution Letter and you will have three months from your last meaningful contact with us to raise your concerns with them.We will cooperate fully with the Information Commissioner’s Office in the handling of your concern.